pt-pten +351 21 845 26 89 / 90
+351 21 845 26 89 / 90

Sílvia Gomes

Tour leader

I was born in Lisbon, graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences and did a Master’s in Public Health. I worked for several pharmaceutical and biotech companies in different geographic areas before deciding to spend more time outdoors and pursue my passion for hiking.

I am motivated to explore the world on foot as a positive experience for everyone, both travelers and people whose country, culture and lifestyle we appreciate. Not only discover the essence of the destination, but also deepen the appreciation for its natural beauty and history.

Environmental protection and respect for local cultures are fundamental to my travel philosophy.

A Sílvia Gomes não tem viagens disponíveis de momento

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Viajamos para todos os continentes e dispomos de experiências marcadas pela autenticidade e proximidade com as populações locais.