pt-pten +351 21 845 26 89 / 90
+351 21 845 26 89 / 90


What are Explorer tours?

EXPLORER tours are designed for a set of intrepid, open-minded, young-spirit travelers, so you!

You can tell all your friends, who are willing to give up some of their usual comforts in exchange for an experience more in line with the place they are visiting, that these tours are for them too.

The focus is on the unique experience and the stories that you will carry in your backpack for the rest of your life. Yes, because on this kind of tour suitcases and trolleys don’t come in.

Trekking Annapurna Sanctuary

15 dias
2 - 10 people
The Annapurna region is one of the best areas in Nepal for trekking without much effort. Good trails, relaxing treks without much difficulty in acclimatization and simple but comfortable lodges. Spectacular views of high mountains and deep valleys. The journeys
Desde1.950 €
(3 Avaliações)
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snow covered mountains and a blue sky as backdrop in trekking of everest

Trekking of Everest with João Garcia

19 dias
6 - 12 people
The trekking of Everest is a magnificent trip to the Himalayan mountains, an adventure accessible to anyone who enjoys walking and is in good physical shape!
Desde2.530 €
(17 Avaliações)
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